Gaia Giuliani from donatella alessandrini on Vimeo.
Gaia Guiuliani is research assistant in Political Theory and Colonial and Postcolonial Studies at the University of Bologna, Department of Social and Political Sciences. She has been an honorary visiting scholar at the University of Technology Sydney, NSW (2007-2011) and at the University of Leeds, UK (Oct-Dec 2013). Her first book was Beyond curiosity. James Mill e la nascita del governo coloniale britannico in India (Aracne, Roma 2008), and in 2014-2015 she will publish a co-authored book with Dr Gabriele Proglio, DistopieStoria della paura nella narrazione fantascientifica e horror dal dopoguerra a oggi (Dystopias: History of Fear from the Aftermath of WWII to Today) (Le Monnier-Mondadori Education, Milano). She will also edit the collective book E gli italiani divennero bianchi. Razza, genere e classe nell’Italia contemporanea (And Italians Became White: Race, Gender, and Class in Contemporary Italy) (Ediesse, Roma). She is has also edited a book on affectivities and changes: G. Giuliani et al., L’Amore ai tempi dello tsunami. Amore, Sessualità e Modelli di Genere in Mutamento which will be published in May 2014. For a more detailed bio see