

Guest Editors


Rebecca Macklin is a PhD Candidate in Comparative Literature at the University of Leeds and was 2017-18 Fulbright Visiting Student Researcher in English at Cornell University, where she was affiliated with the American Indian and Indigenous Studies Program. Her research is focused on Native American and South African literary engagements with capitalism, (de)coloniality, and environmental justice and she has had writing published in Native American and Indigenous Studies and Wasafiri. She is interested in how the arts can be used as a tool for youth empowerment and has facilitated participatory arts workshops for young people in South Africa, as a project facilitator with Changing the Story ( and board trustee for the Bishop Simeon Trust (


Eman Ghanayem is a PhD Candidate in English at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research examines Palestinian and American Indian literatures, and the larger context of global indigenous and refugee narratives, through a framework of interconnected settler colonialisms and comparative indigeneities. Eman can be reached at




Dr. Vanessa Anthony-Stevens, PhD., is an Assistant Professor of Social and Cultural Studies in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Idaho. As an educational anthropologist, Vanessa is interested in the intersections of policy and practice in public education and examines the ways minoritized communities strategically navigate historically oppressive institutions for purposes of self-determination and social transformation. She is the Principal Investigator and Director of Indigenous Knowledge for Effective Education Program (IKEEP) at the University of Idaho. Vanessa is a mother, a former K-8 classroom teacher, and an educator committed to projects of decolonization and educational sovereignty.


Dr. Kari A. B. Chew is a Chickasaw citizen and postdoctoral fellow for NEȾOLṈEW̱ 'one mind, one people' at the University of Victoria's Department of Indigenous Education. Her scholarship focuses on the motivations and experiences of adult additional language learners who are reclaiming their Indigenous heritage languages. Her current research considers the role of technology in connecting learners who live outside their communities to their languages. She earned her doctorate in Language, Reading, and Culture from the University of Arizona in 2016 and was awarded a Hunt postdoctoral fellowship, which supported her contributions to this manuscript, in 2018.


Dr. Amal Eqeiq is a native Palestinian born in the city of Al-Taybeh in Israel/Palestine. She is an assistant professor of Arabic Studies and comparative literature at Williams College. Her research interests include: modern Arab literature, popular culture, Palestine Studies, feminism(s), performance studies, translation, indigenous studies in the Americas, and literature of the Global South. She is currently completing her manuscript, Indigenous Affinities: A Comparative Study in Mayan and Palestinian Narratives. Amal is also a creative writer and has published a number of short stories and essays in Mada Masr, Jadaliyya and several anthologies, including Being Palestinian (2017) and Min Fami: Arab Feminist Reflections on Identity, Resistance and Space (2014). Her translation of selected poems by Hussein AlBarghouti (Arabic-English) and Miguel 'Angel Asturias (Spanish-Arabic) appeared in Jadaliyya (2011 & 2017). Amal keeps a Facebook blog called "Diaries of a Hedgehog Feminist" and is currently writing her first novel.


Jeremiah J. Garsha is a postgraduate researcher in the Faculty of History at the University of Cambridge. He researches the cultural history of violence with an emphasis on visual and material cultures of colonialism and anti-colonial resistance in world history. He specialises in transnational indigenous movements, repatriation of human remains and artefacts, and postcolonial historical memory, specifically the positioning and repositioning of physical memory structures within landscapes of atrocities. His PhD dissertation is a global history of a collected skull and its international travels throughout the twentieth century.


Dr. Audrey A. Harris received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2016. She teaches classes in Latin American and U.S. Latina/o literature and culture, and Spanish language, at the University of California, Los Angeles, and at the Cineteca Nacional in Mexico City. With support from the Mellon Foundation, she has taught prison workshops in Mérida, Yucatán, leading to the publication of Nos contamos a través de los muros, (We Tell our Stories Through these Walls) (Catarsis, 2016) an anthology of short stories and narratives written by incarcerated women in Mérida, Yucatán. More about that project can be found here: North of the border, she has taught classes in Latin American fiction and narrative with incarcerated women through UCLA's Prison Education Program. She is a translator of Mexican author Amparo Dávila's The Houseguest and Other Stories (2019), and her writings and translations have been published and are forthcoming in Harpers, the Paris Review Daily, Two Lines, Roads and Kingdoms, The Aztlán Mexican Studies Reader, Chasqui, Chiricú, Párrafo, and elsewhere.


Danne Jobin is a PhD candidate in contemporary Native American literature at the University of Kent. Their project explores the fiction of Anishinaabe writers Louise Erdrich, David Treuer and Gerald Vizenor to show how Indigenous space extends beyond the reservation toward urban and transnational spaces.


Amanda LeClair-Diaz (Eastern Shoshone/Northern Arapaho) is originally from Ft. Washakie, which is located on the Wind River Reservation in Wyoming. She is a doctoral candidate in the Teaching, Learning, and Sociocultural Studies Department at the University of Arizona. Amanda's major is Indigenous Education, and her minor is Teaching and Teacher Education. Once Amanda obtains her PhD, she hopes to become a professor who works with pre-service educators and Native communities.


Dr. Paul McKenzie-Jones is an Assistant Professor in Indigenous Studies at the University of Lethbridge. As a settler-scholar he positions his work in solidarity with, rather than as an expert on, Indigenous peoples, and seeks to use his privilege to help create more spaces for Indigenous voices in academia. His research foci are Indigenous activism, treaty rights, and Indigenous pop cultures. His first book was a biography of early Red Power leader, Clyde Warrior, and he is currently working on two research projects – Indigenous cross-border (US/Canada) activism since 1900, and collaborative Indigenous activism in the CANZUS states.


Dr. Sheilah E. Nicholas is Associate Professor in the Department of Teaching, Learning and Sociocultural Studies, University of Arizona. She is a member of the Hopi Tribe located in northeastern Arizona. Her scholarship focuses on Indigenous/Hopi language reclamation; Indigenous language ideologies and epistemologies; the intersection of language, culture and identity; and, Indigenous language teacher education, and draws from her dissertation study, "Becoming 'Fully' Hopi: The Role of the Hopi Language in the Contemporary Lives of Hopi Youth – A Hopi Case Study of Language Shift and Vitality." She is co-principal investigator of a Spencer Foundation funded multi-university national study, "Indigenous-Language Immersion and Native American Student Achievement."


Dr. Thea Pitman is Senior Lecturer in Latin American Studies at the University of Leeds. Her research interests lie in the field of contemporary Latin American cultural production, especially online, and more broadly digital, works, as well as the appropriation of new media technologies by indigenous communities. She has published the anthology Latin American Cyberliterature and Cyberculture (LUP, 2007) and the book Latin American Identity in Online Cultural Production (Routledge, 2013), both with Claire Taylor, as well as numerous other articles and pieces of short-form scholarship on related topics. Her current research focuses on indigenous new media arts in the Americas.


Angel Sobotta is Niimiipuu (Nez Perce) and pursuing a doctoral degree at the University of Idaho in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction. She has worked for the Nez Perce Language Program in Lapwai, Idaho for over twenty years. Drawing on this experience, Sobotta's research focuses on learning and teaching her language, nimipuutimt, through Coyote stories. She is married to Bob Sobotta and has four children: Payton, Glory, Grace, and Faith.


Dr. Philip J. Stevens is from the San Carlos Apache reservation. His parents are Homer and Nalani Stevens. Philip's clans are Tudiłhiłhi and Deschiini. He has two daughters, Carmen and Hazel, with Dr. Vanessa Anthony-Stevens. Philip is a Regent for San Carlos Apache College, an assistant professor of anthropology and the director of the American Indian Studies program at University of Idaho. He researches western education environments through Apache cultural values and the intertwining beliefs, nature, justification and scope of mathematics among Apache adults document cultural perspectives between Native Americans and non-Natives understanding of mathematical concepts.


Dr. Billy J. Stratton teaches contemporary Native American/American literature, Indigenous critical theory, and writing in the Department of English at the University of Denver. His criticism, fiction, commentary, and editorial work has appeared in numerous books and journals including, Arizona Quarterly, Cream City Review, Salon, The Journal of American Culture, The Independent, Wicazo-Sa Review, Rhizomes, SAIL, Big Muddy, The Los Angeles Review of Books, and TIME. He is also the author of Buried in Shades of Night: Contested Voices, Indian Captivity, and the Legacy of King Philip's War, while being contributing editor to The Fictions of Stephen Graham Jones: A Critical Companion. He has been instrumental in efforts to create dialogue and historical understanding at the University of Denver around the issue of the Sand Creek massacre.


Dr. Martin W. Walsh, Lecturer IV, holds a PhD. in dramatic literature from Cambridge University (1974).  He taught at the University of Giessen, West Germany before joining the Drama Concentration of the Residential College in 1977.  He has published widely in early drama and popular culture, with dual language editions of the Dutch/English Everyman and Mary of Nimmegan.  Other articles have ranged from modern Irish Drama to contemporary Caribbean Carnival to Native American masking traditions.  He has also been an actor, director, dramaturge and translator for the semi-professional Brecht Company in Ann Arbor (1979-1993).  In 1983 he started the early drama group "The Harlotry Players" which has recently participated in cultural festivals in Corsica.  He has been active in Shakespeare-in-the-Arb since its founding in 2001, as well as appearing in numerous other local productions including the University Opera's Ariadne auf Naxos.


Dr. Doro Wiese PhD, is a researcher at Düsseldorf University and Utrecht University. In her multifaceted research, she investigates how aesthetics is a manner of drawing people into an effective relation with the lacunae of knowledges and histories. In her first monograph The Powers of the False (Northwestern UP 2014), she determines how intermediality (photography, painting, music) in selected US-American and Australian novels allows readers to relate to histories that have been repressed or silenced by trauma and taboo. In her second book, F – Faust (Textem 2018), she ask how and to what effect different media affect the human body. Her current research project titled Side by Side: Reading Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Literature asks which epistemological, formal, and thematic distinctions and connections are present in post-war fiction on Native North America on both sides of the Atlantic. This study helps to develop cross-cultural and cross-epistemological research fields in literary, historical, and cultural studies.


Omar Zahzah is a PhD candidate in comparative literature at the University of California, Los Angeles.