Working Together against the Criminal Justice System, Forced Treatment, Interlocking Oppression, and Common Sense: Disability, Criminal Justice and Law and Decarcerating Disability


  • Chris Chapman


This piece reflects on some resonances between Disability, Criminal Justice and Law and Decarcerating Disability, suggesting that they are part of a shared political and intellectual project that a) interrogates common sense practices of penalty and disability care through an interlocking oppression lens centring colonialism, racism, disability, and capitalism, and b) helps us to question the lines between violence and nonviolence in response to distress and disability.

Author Biography

Chris Chapman

School of Social Work, York University, Canada



How to Cite

Chapman, C. (2023). Working Together against the Criminal Justice System, Forced Treatment, Interlocking Oppression, and Common Sense: Disability, Criminal Justice and Law and Decarcerating Disability. Feminists@law, 12(1). Retrieved from



Decarcerating Disability, Criminal Justice and Law