Disability, Criminal Justice, and Abolition: Recognizing and Remedying Law’s Violence


  • Jamelia Morgan




In this short essay, I explore how Liat Ben-Moshe’s Decarcerating Disability: Deinstitutionalization and Prison Abolition and Linda Steele’s Disability, Criminal Justice and Law: Reconsidering Court Diversion provide helpful analytical frameworks for legal practitioners, students, and scholars committed to responding to law’s role in producing and legitimating violence against historically marginalized groups, and in particular disabled people.  This essay surfaces three key insights that Ben-Moshe and Steele provide legal scholars, practitioners, and students: the importance of the intersectional method, critical analysis on how law is complicit in ongoing forms of disability-based subordination, particularly within the criminal legal system, and the imperative of the abolitionist ethic as a necessary response to redressing forms of state violence, including in particular, legally sanctioned harms to disabled people.

Author Biography

Jamelia Morgan

Professor of Law, Founding Direction for the Center for Racial and Disability Justice, Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, USA



How to Cite

Morgan, J. (2023). Disability, Criminal Justice, and Abolition: Recognizing and Remedying Law’s Violence. Feminists@law, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.22024/UniKent/03/fal.1182



Decarcerating Disability, Criminal Justice and Law