We Have a Plan: Feminist Plan to Combat Male Violence Against Women and Gender-Based Violence


  • Non Una Meno




Non Una Meno is an Italian trans-feminist, intersectional, anti-racist, anti-fascist, anti-capitalist political movement, independent of any party, which aims at the radical transformation of society starting from the fight against male and gender violence and against social hierarchies.  It emerged in Italy in 2016 in the wake of the Argentine movement, Ni Una Menos, that campaigns against gender-based violence in all its forms. As an anti-systemic movement, it seeks to dictate a new political agenda to counter attacks from the increasingly numerous neo-conservative governments and neoliberal economic policies that exploit and marginalize people within and between countries. It claims the right of women to decide about their bodies, opposing all those reactionary logics that try to impose gender roles. It argues against sexual violence and femicides, and is opposed to all those forces of government ready to exploit violence against women to justify racist and security policies. It fights against economic violence, the blackmail of precarious work or a residence permit, which have women and migrants as an easy target. It​ intends to subvert power relations that generate harassment, violence, racism and economic and social inequalities. It has a plan and it will not stop until it is realised. This is its English translation.



How to Cite

Non Una Meno. (2019). We Have a Plan: Feminist Plan to Combat Male Violence Against Women and Gender-Based Violence. Feminists@law, 9(2). https://doi.org/10.22024/UniKent/03/fal.840



We Have a Plan