Editorial Team

[Image by C.Orgel]

KLR Editors

Hannah Guy, Kent Law School, University of Kent

Morton Thornton, Kent Law School, University of Kent

Girisha Jingree, Kent Law School, University of Kent

Max Bangemann, Kent Law School, University of Kent

Riya Bhattacharya, Kent Law School, University of Kent

Claudia Laforty, Kent Law School, University of Kent

Paarth Manjarekar, Kent Law School, University of Kent


Academic Advisory Team

Dr Mauro Pucheta, Kent Law School, University of Kent

Professor Maria Drakopoulou, Kent Law School, University of Kent


KLR Kitemark Design

Christopher Caballero, Kent School of Architecture and Planning, University of Kent

Kent OSC

Josie Caplehorne, Office for Scholarly Communication, University of Kent