The influence of Internet Social Media on Professional Practice: A Case Study of Perceptions of Foundation Dentists in Health Education England, Kent, Surrey and Sussex


  • Raymond Hardy Valley Drive Dental Practice
  • Claire L Parkin University of Kent



Dental Dentistry Social Media


Social mediais a popular, technology-led form of communication. It has a developing but contentious role in healthcare professional practice, attracting interest and opinion from official bodies, academic institutions and terrestrial and internet media.

This project explored Health Education England Kent, Surrey and Sussex (HEE KSS) Foundation Dentists’ (FDs) perceptions of the influence of internet social media on their professional practice.


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Hardy, R., & Parkin, C. L. (2018). The influence of Internet Social Media on Professional Practice: A Case Study of Perceptions of Foundation Dentists in Health Education England, Kent, Surrey and Sussex. Advanced Journal of Professional Practice, 1(2).


